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Our Story

Forever Fiore Tea Lounge: Resilience in Bloom


In the heart of Ft. Myers, Florida, 2018 witnessed the birth of Forever Fiore, a luxury floral boutique that shimmered with the radiance of preserved flowers. The visionary, Luara Maximo, had painstakingly poured her heart into every petal and leaf, and her store was a culmination of dedication and an undying passion for preserving beauty.


Inspired by her travels and keen observations around Europe, Luara was deeply moved by the chic and trendy floral designed cafes that dotted cities from Paris to Prague. The atmosphere in these cafes wasn’t just about sipping on a cup of coffee or tea; it was about basking in an ambiance crafted meticulously with flowers, about allowing the serenity of nature to intertwine with urban sophistication.


By 2019, inspired by European elegance, Luara felt a new dream unfurling within her. Why not transform Forever Fiore into something more than a boutique? Why not let it blossom into a sanctuary where people could experience the beauty of preserved flowers while enjoying gourmet teas and sumptuous meals? Thus, the idea of Forever Fiore Tea Lounge was born.


Every inch of the new space in Ft. Myers was thoughtfully designed. Visitors felt they had been transported to a European haven. The ambiance was regal yet cozy, luxurious yet welcoming. It became an instantaneous sensation, drawing both locals and tourists. It was more than just a tea lounge; it was an experience.


However, as with all stories that showcase highs, there are moments of unexpected lows. The pandemic swept across the globe, bringing with it waves of uncertainty. Businesses, big and small, felt the impact, and Forever Fiore Tea Lounge was no exception. Despite the challenges, Luara fought fiercely, trying to adapt and sustain. But eventually, the decision was made: the tea lounge in Ft. Myers would have to close its doors.


But, Luara was not one to be easily defeated. The closure, though heart-wrenching, only solidified her resolve. She had a vision, and she was determined to see it through, even if it meant starting afresh.


Naples, Florida became the new canvas for Luara's dreams. She brought with her the essence and soul of Forever Fiore. In this new city, she set up the Forever Fiore Floral Tea Lounge. It was a blend of the past and the present - a preserved floral store reminiscent of her beginnings but infused with the spirit of the tea lounge she had once crafted.


Naples embraced Luara and her vision with open arms. The new space echoed her journey - the resilience of preserved flowers, the warmth of a cup of tea, and the undying spirit of a dreamer. It stood as a testament to her belief that even when things seem bleak, there’s always a way to let dreams bloom anew.


Today, as patrons step into the Forever Fiore Floral Tea Lounge in Naples, they don't just see beautiful flowers or taste exquisite tea; they experience a story - of passion, resilience, and rebirth.

From the Press


Gulfshore Life Magazine

"One of two recently debuted tea rooms in Southwest Florida, Forever Fiore hints at  a resurgence of tea rooms as quiet, soothing oases where people of all ages are discovering what Brits and The Chinese have long celebrated in their cultures: tea is the ultimate social beverage, with an ability to simultaneously relax and energize one’s psyche."


Naples Newspress

"With Its Rose covered walls, plush velvet seats and sweet treats, Forever Fiore feels like it belongs in Europe - Italy to be Exact"


Naples Daily News 

"This isn't your granny's quaint teahouse; It's ultra Contemporary, incorporating a gorgeous pallete of cream, onyx , emerald  and pink. 

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